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Tag: Cybersecurity

Cloud Backup

Mitigating Cybercrime with Backups

According to studies, one of the primary causes of an organisation becoming a victim of cybercrime is human error. The consequences of a data breach can be significant and long-lasting. When a data breach happens, a hacker might gain access to your personal or organisation’s sensitive data leading to potential

Integrated cyber protection

Integrated cyber protection: Protect your Data

We have all heard the old Benjamin Franklin adage that says, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” If any element of your business is digital, I think we can add cyber threats to that list. Maintaining a secure online presence with an integrated cyber protection approach is crucial. The

Cyber protection

Cyber protection at Work, Home, and School

Due in part to remote working arrangements, the necessity for cyber protection has increased dramatically since the COVID epidemic began. Cybercrime cost organisations millions more in 2021 than it did in 2020 due to an increase in known risks and the emergence of new, more complex blended attacks. What do