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Tag: Cloud Solutions

Google Success Story: 263Chat

Google Success Story: 263Chat: Helping to scale their business

263Chat is an online news platform that was launched on the 29th of September 2012 as a way of encouraging and participating in progressive and national dialogue in Zimbabwe. On 263Chat, Zimbabweans are engaged in numerous conversations about their daily lives in Zimbabwe and beyond, and the use of the

Google Admin Console

Staying in Control with Google Admin Console

As the way we work evolves, and remote and hybrid working models become popular options, you may want to migrate from your current system over to Google Workspace. Google developed the suite of productivity and collaboration apps, which form part of Workspace, to operate in the cloud allowing for a

Google Vault

Google Vault: What is it and do I need it?

Google Vault is a retention and eDiscovery tool for organisations using Google Workspace and should not be mistaken for a backup and disaster recovery tool. Google Vault, which functions as an archive tool, enables organisations or school Google administrators to retain, hold, search, delete, and export their users’ Google Workspace

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing: How do IaaS, PaaS and SaaS come together?

So, as you can see, each model has its advantages and when deciding which model to choose it all comes down to your organisation’s wants and needs. Each of these services’ flexible payment models provide organisations with quick access to hardware components or software programmes that would otherwise be expensive


What is SaaS?

Alongside the cloud computing models of IaaS and PaaS is Software as a Service (SaaS), also known as web-based software, on-demand software, or hosted software. SaaS is a convenient method of software delivery and licensing via an online subscription. Microsoft says that Software as a service (SaaS) allows users to


What is PaaS?

We recently looked at IaaS and what benefits it holds. Now we turn our focus to Platform as a Service or PaaS. Google defines Platform as a Service as a complete cloud environment that includes everything developers need to build, run, and manage applications—from servers and operating systems to all

software programme

The value of licensed software

According to a Business Software Alliance (BSA) survey, companies that implement strong measures to improve the way they manage their software have a powerful new tool for reducing security risks, increasing profits, decreasing downtime, and expanding opportunity. You might feel like you don’t want to renew your software licenses because

D6 Solutions

Why Your Business Needs D6 Solutions

As everyone knows, the pandemic threw a spanner in the works in terms of work-life balance. Around the world, an enormous proportion of enterprises were forced to operate from home. It was crucial that organisations prioritised communication in order to improve productivity and workflow among their employees. And that answer,