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Safeguarding Against Security Vulnerabilities in the Age of ChatGPT

ChatGPT has emerged as a revolutionary tool, captivating users with its ability to generate human-like text responses.  However, amidst the excitement surrounding its capabilities, it’s important to acknowledge the potential security vulnerabilities associated with such advanced AI systems.  The risks posed by ChatGPT can be

The Crucial Role of Regular Security Audits for SMBs

As technology continues to advance, providing scalable, flexible and affordable IT solutions for SMBs, these businesses are able to thrive by enhancing operations and expanding their reach. However, with great opportunities come great responsibilities, particularly when it comes to cybersecurity.  As cyber threats are constantly

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

Ransomware poses a formidable challenge to businesses around the world, and its complexity continues to grow as cybercriminals leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to make their attacks more elusive.  What used to take cybercriminals months now takes mere

How to Safely Manage Remote Work

Remote work has become more common than ever, allowing us to stay productive while enjoying the flexibility of working from anywhere.  However, while remote work offers flexibility and convenience, it also requires discipline and effective strategies to excel.  One area of importance is cybersecurity. Don’t

What’s new in Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud?

Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud is continually evolving to provide advanced cybersecurity and data protection solutions for their clients.  Last year alone, Acronis introduced a range of new features and improvements aimed at streamlining operations, enhancing security and boosting efficiency.  Insights into Cyber Threats January 2024


Exploring the Toll of Ransomware

In the digital age, businesses face a growing threat that has the potential to cripple operations, tarnish reputations, and drain resources – ransomware.  Ransomware attacks have become increasingly sophisticated, posing a significant risk to organisations of all sizes and in all industries. The aftermath of

Online privacy

Steps to Take to Improve Online Privacy

You may not be aware that your online activity is being tracked and might also feel that your privacy is being violated. Organisations track users’ online behaviour to better understand their audience and customers. By analysing a user’s search history, browsing habits, and online purchases,